Saturday, September 14, 2013

WTC-7 Building 7 aka Third Tower

Remember Building 7 Official Website

WTC7 - BBC The Third Tower - Conspiracy Files

WTC7 Collapse Reported 20 Minutes BEFORE it happened!! WTF?

The Third Tower 1/2

Larry Silverstein

Other WTC-7 Videos

9/11: Pentagon Was Hit by a Missile

9-11 Prior Knowledge

Movies and TV Shows About 9-11 Conspiracy

  • Who Killed John O'Neill film - this is an excellent independent film with information and a different angle not found in most of the 9-11 conspiracy films.  All of the characters are played by a single actor.

TV Shows
YouTube Videos

9/11 Topics of Discussion

  • Failure of the Secret Service to secure the POTUS when the United States was under coordinated attack.
  • Complete failure of NORAD
  • Inability of any Standard Operating Procedures to be followed regarding aircraft that turned off their transponders
  • Inability of Andrews Air Force to scrable fighters despite being a 10-minute drive from the Pentagon with an Inbound unresponsive aircraft during a time of organized attack

If you don't believe the 9-11 conspiracy theories and you believe the official version, here is the absolute laughable explanation of what you believe:

  • 18 hijackers armed with boxcutters got past world class security, boarded 4 planes (5 planes if you know the whole story) and the Air Force did nothing, passengers did nothing (minus flight 93 - if you believe that) and no airplanes were found in pennsylvania or pentagon. And all of the surveillance tapes were confiscated and the quickest cleanup ever of wreckage.   And it was all orchestrated by a guy in a cave in Afghanistan.
  • Somehow 3 gigantic skyscrapers (twin towers, wtc-7) fell with only 2 airplanes hitting. 
  • Also another building (WTC-5) burned all day and never fell down. 
  • They had the pictures of all 18 hijackers within minutes. They KNEW it was Osama Bin Laden before the towers even fell, yet if they knew all of this beforehand, why did it happen? Within weeks we were already in Afghanistan - but the hijackers were Saudis. Type in the name "TIM OSMAN" into Google Search. You'll find out Osama Bin Laden's CIA Asset nickname and see pictures with him and Zbignieu Bryzinski.

Mysterious Deaths of 9-11 Eyewitnesses

The 5th Airplane

The 5th Airplane (there are multiple accounts of The Fifth Plane)


WTC-5 Burned All Day and Never Collapsed

The PNAC Document: AKA Project For a New American Century - Pretext

  • "The PNAC Document"  - Published in 2000 by The Neo-Conservatives. in this document it says "We Need a Pearl Harbor Like Event." and "We will stage Multiple Theater Wars in The Middle East".